Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I should be in charge of everyone's relationships

Greg Thompson has a girlfriend. This girlfriend of his is my best friend. Over the past few months (6 months to be exact- it's apparently their anniversary today. Incidentally, six months is the first time it is all right in a relationship to celebrate an anniversary. People who get worked up over "OH it's our ten week-iversary!" make me want to punch brick walls.) whoa that parenthesis digression got out of hand. Starting over. Over the past few months the three of us have been disagreeing over the best couple name for the two of them (ignoring the fact that I kind of despise couple names because I have no soul and there's a cheese sandwich where my heart should be). The two of them seem to think Greg + Emily = Gremily. GREMILY. Like, what? Here. Here is what the world thinks of when they hear "gremily."That is a terrifying creature who feasts on the dreams of innocents and physically lacks the ability to love. It had every opportunity to do good but chooses instead to wreak havoc on picnics and moves plastic bottles from the recycling bin to the trash. Now I ask you: is this what you want your relationship associated with? I think not.

My alternative is Emily + Greg = EGG. Let me paint you this picture: it's a sunny morning, you're walking across the field holding hands with a hot farm boy, and the two of you collect the morning eggs in hand-woven baskets while kittens play with your shoelaces. That is completely lovely.
So instead of an internal image of a horrifying creature, you get this:
It's like that chick on the right is whispering, "I know we just hatched, but I love you more than anything."
So while Greg and Emily may claim "Oh, we're the couple, we should decide what our couple name is and your opinion is useless to us because we have superhuman couple powers and we're secretly Sean Penn and the woman who invented the windshield wiper Mary Anderson and you can't touch this duh-nuh-nuh-nuh" I believe I have presented my argument clearly and effectively and COME ON I'm totally right about this.

Also, the google image search for "hatched chicks" is completely and fantastically adorable.

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